I'm back home from a two week trip to Germany and Greece! The trip was full of great sights, night life, and food of course. The most well known Greek cuisine, Moussaka (pronounced moo-sah-KAH), or "Moose Ka Ka" according to 'my big fat greek wedding', inspired me to make these moose-alicious cupcakes.
Though I doubt any of you will be in need of moose cupcakes any time soon, I will explain the process of making them anyway. The moose snout is made out of a twinkie, which are surprisingly hard to find these days. I used weight watchers' mock twinkies instead (only 100 calories.. maybe it was a better choice anyway). Before you secure the twinkie to the cupcake you must cut off the lower corner at an angle so that the end of the twinkie fits well with the flat top of the cupcake. I secured the twinkie with a pretzel stick and icing, which was very nerve wracking. The cupcakes are pretty top heavy and seem to be ready to fall apart at any minute. The whole cupcake is then to be dipped into a large cup of dark chocolate melting wafters.. this was a disaster. After two failed attempts I decided to spoon the melting chocolate on the cupcake which was far more successful.
While the structure was still drying, I stuck on the antlers (which were traced on a hand drawn stencil with dark chocolate melting wafers), molded Tootsie Roll ears, mini M&M eyes, and chocolate covered sunflower seed nostrils. Finally, I iced on the hair, mouth, and beard. I was pleased to find that once the chocolate dries, the cupcakes become much sturdier.
The cupcakes were chocolately and delicious! I had a great time making the impractical creation.
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